work2future is a part of the national workforce development system as authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) with the City of San José serving as the fiscal agent for the program.
The mission of work2future is to assist businesses and individuals to meet the workforce demands and opportunities of a global economy. We strive to provide our diverse community a world-class workforce that fosters economic development, through collaboration with businesses, residents, government, educational, and community-based organizations to maximize local and regional employment opportunities. We are the catalyst in the development and implementation of a comprehensive workforce strategy. Our goal is to strengthen the economic base in San José and Santa Clara County by increasing employment opportunities and job retention for all residents.
Our Board represents the diverse business community of Silicon Valley, and key public sector partners are appointed to four-year terms by the Mayor of the City of San José.
Board and Committee meeting information, including location and staff contact, can be found in the Meeting Agenda Packet. Occasionally, meetings are canceled, rescheduled, or relocated. Meetings are open, and the public is welcome to attend.
Agendas, minutes, and other documents related to work2future Board activities are available on meeting documents + reports.
The City of San José is committed to open and honest government and strives to consistently meet the community's expectations by providing excellent service, in a positive and timely manner, and in the full view of the public. Please view the City of San José Code of Ethics.
work2future by-laws are available on policy + governance.