
Job Search in Silicon Valley

Psychologists have long said that the #2 most stressful thing in life is going through a career change, job transition or unemployment. Losing a job is a loss, just like losing a friend or loved one is a loss. Sometimes even our own families and best friends can’t really understand what we’re going through even if they try to.

You MIGHT find out in this class that you are spending TOO MUCH time on your job search and not enough time for the things that matter most – your good health, stress management, time management, change management, emotional support, and peace of mind.

Learn how to search for a job strategically and move from frustration, grief, anger, loss of identity and even shame into a brighter and exciting future with scientifically proven techniques.



Nov 20 2019


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


San Jose Career Center
1608 Las Plumas Ave, San José, CA
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